The Father of Sleep Medicine

Though my consulting practice is based on helping people get the most out of their dreams, I frequently encounter people who suffer from sleep disturbances. Conditions such as insomnia, sleep apnea, night terrors, and restless leg syndrome are surprisingly widespread, and prevent many people from getting the restorative sleep they need to operate at full capacity in their lives.

On my weekly radio show, I have recently conducted interviews with medical experts in the field, to increase public understanding of these potentially debilitating conditions and how to treat them. So I was thrilled when a friend called my attention to a new video celebrating the father of sleep medicine research, Dr. William Dement.

Dr. Dement started the Stanford Sleep Clinic, the first of its kind, in 1970. Since then he has been at the forefront of sleep research, publicizing the dangers of daytime drowsiness and how getting a good night’s sleep is critical for our overall state of health and well-being. He developed the first measurements of daytime alertness, and persuaded Congress to appoint a National Committee on Sleep Disorders Research.

Much of what we now know about sleep hygiene comes from the pioneering work of Dr. Dement and his colleagues. Having this information readily available for clients is a great asset to my work as a dream consultant. This video helps put the entire field of sleep research in historical perspective, by highlighting the dynamic personality who set much of it in motion. If you have 15 minutes to spare, I highly recommend watching it.