Recent Radio & Print Interviews

I have been interviewed on three different radio shows recently, talking about dreams, spirituality, psychology and especially my new book, What To Do When Dreams Go Bad: A Practical Guide to Nightmares. Here is a rundown on each appearance, with links to the podcasts (audio files) for each.

Back in October I was interviewed by my friend, author Thorn Coyle on her show, Elemental Castings. We talked about dreams, water, the dark, rhythm, and Aikido, among other things. It was a great conversation, and the complete hour-long show can be downloaded here.

In April, I was interviewed by Dr. David Van Nuys of Shrink Rap Radio. Our wide-ranging conversation about nightmares—and, toward the end, children’s nightmares specifically—makes for fascinating listening. Listen online or download the podcast here.

This past weekend an interview with me was aired on Paradigms, a new show about visions of a viable future. The entire show, featuring live music as well as the interview, is available for listening here. I will also post an edited version of just my conversation with the show’s host Baruch, very soon in my Audio Clips.

Finally, an article about me appeared in the SF Martial Arts Examiner, written by Paul Rest. Being a student of aikido, the martial art of non-violence gives me a unique outlook on the work of dreams. Read the profile here.